- Memory of Europe: Historical intersections and their message for the contemporary genereation
- Prvé školenie učiteľov na škole
- 1st online international Kick-off meeting
- Súťaž o najlepšie logo
- Dotazníky o druhej svetovej vojne
- Videá a prezentácie o histórii 2. sv. vojny
- Medzinárodné online workshopy
- Prvé medzinárodné stretnutie v Rožňave na Slovensku
- Introduction of the teacher project members
- Introduction of the student project members
- Slovakia-Gymnázium P.J.Šafárika - P.J.Safárik Gimnázium Rožňava
- Greece - Geniko Lykeio Mouzakiou
- Poland - I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. St. Dubois
- Italian IISS Liceo Scientifico Canudo and Reasearch about places in our town linked with WWII
- Presentations of schools and regions
- WWII witnesses
- Outcomes of our students
- Project logo
- Christmas traditions
- Meeting minutes
- Questionnaire about the WWII
- WWII - videos, presentations and interactive pictures
- Memory of Europe International online workshops
- Easter traditions
- Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils in Rožňava
- Outcomes - LTTA Slovakia
- Short-term joint staff training events in Rožňava
- Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils in Gioia del Colle
- Short-term joint staff training events in Gioia del Colle
- Questionnaires from the LTTAs
- Dissemination
- Reasearch about places in our town linked with WWII
- Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils in Koszalin, Poland
- Short-term joint staff training events in Koszalin, Poland
- Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils in Mouzaki, Greece
- Short-term joint staff training events in Mouzaki, Greece
- Pre-work activities
- Questionnaires about the LTTAs
- Lesson plans
- Lesson plan piloting - results
- Wall reading competition
- Final project outcomes
- Piloting the board game
Final project outcomes
The three-year cooperation within the Erasmus+ Memory of Europe project is slowly coming to an end. One of the outputs of this project is a board game, which we decided to paint on the main square in Rožňava with the permission of the city of Rožňava, so that it would be freely available to any school, but also to the wider public. Our pupils from the 4.B class enthusiasticaly started to draw and painting this game. The weather was kind to us, and after two days we managed to finish the game, which is focused on the theme of the Second World War and which will be available for the students of primary and secondary schools, since the playing cards are prepared for both types of schools and are even available in Slovak also in English version. Information about the rules of the game and the availability of playing cards will be published soon.
Trojročná spolupráca v rámci projektu Erasmus+ Memory of Europe sa pomaly končí. Jedným z výstupov tohto projektu je aj spoločenská hra, ktorú sme sa so súhlasom mesta Rožňava rozhodli namaľovať na Námestí Baníkov, a to tak, aby bola voľne dostupná pre ktorúkoľvek školu, ale aj širšiu verejnosť.Naši žiaci zo 4. B triedy sa s nadšením pustili do rysovania, kreslenia a maľovania tejto hry. Počasie nám prialo a po dvoch dňoch sa nám podarilo dokončiť hru, ktorá je zameraná na tému druhej svetovej vojny a ktorú si budú môcť zahrať žiaci základných, ale i stredných škôl, keďže hracie kartičky sú pripravené pre oba typy škôl a dokonca sú dostupné v slovenskej aj v anglickej verzii. Informácie o pravidlách hry a dostupnosti hracích kariet budú čoskoro zverejnené.
As a final product was created a board game about WWII. There is a set of cards for students at the age of 14-15. and a set of card for students at the age of 17-18. As well there is a Slovak version of these cards.
Some of the outcomes are displayed in the final Memory of Europe brochure with some samples of lesson plans.
Online games and activities
The students and teachers created different online board games and activities.
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Online book hunting games about WWII
During the mobilities the students created three online bookhunting games focusing on WWII.