- Memory of Europe: Historical intersections and their message for the contemporary genereation
- Prvé školenie učiteľov na škole
- 1st online international Kick-off meeting
- Súťaž o najlepšie logo
- Dotazníky o druhej svetovej vojne
- Videá a prezentácie o histórii 2. sv. vojny
- Medzinárodné online workshopy
- Prvé medzinárodné stretnutie v Rožňave na Slovensku
- Introduction of the teacher project members
- Introduction of the student project members
- Slovakia-Gymnázium P.J.Šafárika - P.J.Safárik Gimnázium Rožňava
- Greece - Geniko Lykeio Mouzakiou
- Poland - I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. St. Dubois
- Italian IISS Liceo Scientifico Canudo and Reasearch about places in our town linked with WWII
- Presentations of schools and regions
- WWII witnesses
- Outcomes of our students
- Project logo
- Christmas traditions
- Meeting minutes
- Questionnaire about the WWII
- WWII - videos, presentations and interactive pictures
- Memory of Europe International online workshops
- Easter traditions
- Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils in Rožňava
- Outcomes - LTTA Slovakia
- Short-term joint staff training events in Rožňava
- Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils in Gioia del Colle
- Short-term joint staff training events in Gioia del Colle
- Questionnaires from the LTTAs
- Dissemination
- Reasearch about places in our town linked with WWII
- Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils in Koszalin, Poland
- Short-term joint staff training events in Koszalin, Poland
- Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils in Mouzaki, Greece
- Short-term joint staff training events in Mouzaki, Greece
- Pre-work activities
- Questionnaires about the LTTAs
- Lesson plans
- Lesson plan piloting - results
- Wall reading competition
- Final project outcomes
- Piloting the board game
Short-term joint staff training events in Gioia del Colle
The Short-term joint staff training events started on 9Th May and with a Welcome show where the expert teachers had a welcome meeting with the headmaster of the host school in IISS ‘Licei Canudo, Marone - ITI Galilei’. The first meeting was focused on teacher experts’ plan organization and then a teacher expert meeting where ideas of new methodologies and lesson plans were discussed.
The afternoon was organised in a form of workshops where the teacher experts came up with uniting concepts and skills from history and literature. This was followed by teacher experts’ work about World War II and literature. In the afternoon the teacher experts visited the historical centre of Gioia del Colle which was finished with an outcome. The teacher experts prepared interactive worksheets about the history, combining it with literary elements. On the 10Th May there was a meeting with History and Philosophy teacher and English and mother tongue teachers and they started to work in workshops: ‘How to build a cross curricular experience about War’
The teachers started to work with Open class 1: work with literature set during WWII and with literary heroes who are children or adolescents - The book thief and in the afternoon they visited the Norman castle of Gioia del Colle - outcome: preparation of interactive worksheets about the history, combining it with literary elements – Air base - During World War II the air base was captured by the British Eighth Army in October.
On 11th May the expert teachers focused on a preparation of interactive worksheets about the history, combining it with literary elements – air raid on Bari during the WWII, while visiting Bari.
And in the afternoon they started to work with Open class 2: work with literature set during WWII and with literary heroes who are children or adolescents - Anne Frank
During visiting Polignano/Puglia on 12th May they created an outcome: interactive worksheets about the history, combining it with literary elements.
And while visiting Alberobello: the world heritage city – they made a research about the history and finding connects with literature: outcome: preparation of interactive worksheets about the history, combining it with literary elements about la Cassa Rosa.
In the afternoon they started to work with Open class 3: work with literature set during WWII and with literary heroes who are children or adolescents.
The last day the teacher experts prepared an open lesson with a group of students and they presented the Open clasess 1-3, final evaluations. The whole week ended with a closing ceremony at school. In the afternoon the expert teachers planned the piloting activities and the day ended with a coordinator meeting.Wall reading
Photos_Short-term joint staff training events in Gioia del Colle