• Meeting minutes

        • Reports from the project partner meetings meetings



          PROJECT:  Memory of Europe: Historical intersections and their message for the contemporary generation

          Slovakia, Greece, Italy, Poland


          3rd online project meeting participants: Eva Szanyiová, Ewa Wolkowska, , Nikos Mouziouras,  Piera De Giorgi


          Meeting started at 1:30 pm by welcoming word to the participants from Eva Szanyiová, Project coordinator


          Each participant introduced the situation at their schools and countries. As the project is still at the beginning we wouldn´t like to organise virtual project meetings but we would like to organise them as planned and we will request for a prolongation.


          The project coordinator, Eva Szanyiová, thanked the partners for creating the introduction videos about the schools, regions and countries and for the project logo proposals.




          The students are going to poll on the logo they like the most, the poll is created on Twinspace in the project logo competition section. Deadline: 19.2.2021

          The best three logos will be chosen and afterwards a committee of students and teachers will choose the winner logo which will be used during the project implementation.


          The project coordinator, Eva Szanyiová, asked the partners to disseminate all the project activities carried out online, on the school website, school magazine or in the local newspapers.

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          Each partner school has to prepare presentations (PPT, video,...) with the participating students and teachers about the impact of WWII on their country. The outcomes will be uploaded to the Twinspace/page part and after the lockdowns in each country and after the students arrive back to schools a videoconference will be planned where the students will introduce their work. – Deadline: 31.3.2021

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          Each school will try to organise an online meeting where the participating students and teachers will watch the videos and the presentations prepared about the schools, regions and countries – optional activity.


          The project partners will try to organise a online project meeting with the participating students and teachers – at the end of February – beginning of March 2021.

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          The history teachers from each partner school are going to prepare a questionnaire consisting of 10 – 15 questions. The questions will be about the WWII and its impact on each country. Each country will have different questions as the history of each country differs. Deadline: 15.2.2021

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          The questionnaires will be applied at schools to find out what the knowledge of the students about the WWII and its impact on each country. The results will be compared. Deadline: beginning of March 2021.


          Next meeting, scheduled for the beginning of March 2021.


          Recorded: Eva Szanyiová

          2nd online project meeting


          PROJECT:  Memory of Europe: Historical intersections and their

          message for the contemporary generation


          Slovakia, Greece, Italy, Poland


          2nd online project meeting participants: Eva Szanyiová, Ewa Wolkowska, , Nikos Mouziouras,  Piera De Giorgi, Štefan Hronec



          Meeting started at 2 pm by welcomming word to the participants from Eva Szanyiová, Project coordinator



          Each participant introduced the situation at their schools and countries. Each country will infrom the project coordinator about the contract and grant when received.



          The project coordinator, Eva Szanyiová, introduced the Twinspace platform which was created for the project, and asked the partners to share the project information and outcomes on this platform.



          Each partner school has already established teams of teachers and teams of students who will participate in the ongoing project – the partners will invite the students and teachers to the Twinspace platform where they will introduce themselves.



          The project coordinator, Eva Szanyiová, has created a project webpage on Twinspace, where the schools are introduced, and all the ongoing project activities will be uploaded there to be fully informed.




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          Each partner school had to prepare presentations (PPT, video,...) with the participating students and teachers about their school, reagion and country. The outcomes will be uploaded to the Twinspace/page part and after the lockdowns in each country and after the students arrive back to schools a videoconference will be planned with a small competition – Let us introduce ourselves.


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          Each school started to work on the project logo. All the project logos will be presented on  twinspace and the project coordinator will cretae a poll to choose the best logo which will represent the project.



          The project partners agreed with uploading photos and the meeting minutes of the project meetings.


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          The partners agreed to work with a dissemination log, where they will continuously upload information about the dissemination activities which will be helpful when writing the final report.


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          Next meeting, scheduled for the beginning of December 2020.


          Recorded: Eva Szanyiová

          Online kick-off meeting minutes

          Slovakia, Greece, Italy, Poland


          Online kick-off meeting participants: Eva Szanyiová, Ewa Wolkowska, Ilias Sveronis, Nikolas Mouziouras, Piera De Giorgi


          Meeting started at 2 p.m. by welcoming word to the participants from Eva Szanyiová, Project coordinator.


          Each participant introduced themselves. Slovakia is the only country that has the contract already signed from the national agency and received the project grant. Each country will inform the project coordinator about the contact and grant when received.


          The partners have agreed with the prolongation of the project if the pandemic situation does not change soon. In that case the project coordinator will apply for the project prolongation at the NA. The LTTAs will be rescheduled due to the COVID-19 situation.


          Each partner school will establish teams of teachers and teams of students who will participate in the ongoing project – deadline 31.10.2020.

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          Each partner school will prepare presentations (PPT, video...) with the participating students and teachers about their school, region and country. The outcomes will be presented during a mutual video conference – deadline 30.11.2020.

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          Each school will start to work on the project logo. Each school will organize a project logo competition, from which they will choose the best. During the video conference each partner school will present their best logos and according to the mutual agreement one will be chosen to represent the project.

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          Ewa Wolkowska suggested preparing a project banner in each country. Each country can prepare some suggestions for this banner and after choosing the project logo, each school will get one banner produced.


          Each partner school agreed with creating Twinspace via eTwinning. The project coordinator will set up the Twinspace in cooperation with the Slovak project team.

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          Eva Szanyiová will create a virtual space on Google drive – where all the documents, materials, outcomes and dissemination materials will be stored and shared.

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          Next meeting scheduled for the end of October 2020.


          Recorded: Eva Szanyiová

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