- Memory of Europe: Historical intersections and their message for the contemporary genereation
- Prvé školenie učiteľov na škole
- 1st online international Kick-off meeting
- Súťaž o najlepšie logo
- Dotazníky o druhej svetovej vojne
- Videá a prezentácie o histórii 2. sv. vojny
- Medzinárodné online workshopy
- Prvé medzinárodné stretnutie v Rožňave na Slovensku
- Introduction of the teacher project members
- Introduction of the student project members
- Slovakia-Gymnázium P.J.Šafárika - P.J.Safárik Gimnázium Rožňava
- Greece - Geniko Lykeio Mouzakiou
- Poland - I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. St. Dubois
- Italian IISS Liceo Scientifico Canudo and Reasearch about places in our town linked with WWII
- Presentations of schools and regions
- WWII witnesses
- Outcomes of our students
- Project logo
- Christmas traditions
- Meeting minutes
- Questionnaire about the WWII
- WWII - videos, presentations and interactive pictures
- Memory of Europe International online workshops
- Easter traditions
- Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils in Rožňava
- Outcomes - LTTA Slovakia
- Short-term joint staff training events in Rožňava
- Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils in Gioia del Colle
- Short-term joint staff training events in Gioia del Colle
- Questionnaires from the LTTAs
- Dissemination
- Reasearch about places in our town linked with WWII
- Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils in Koszalin, Poland
- Short-term joint staff training events in Koszalin, Poland
- Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils in Mouzaki, Greece
- Short-term joint staff training events in Mouzaki, Greece
- Pre-work activities
- Questionnaires about the LTTAs
- Lesson plans
- Lesson plan piloting - results
- Wall reading competition
- Final project outcomes
- Piloting the board game
Questionnaire about the WWII
Each school created a questionnaire for the students about WWII and its impact on each country.
54 students participted in the questionnaire
The questions of the questionnaire:
- When did World War II start?
- What were the countries involved?
- Where was it fought?
- Do you know about any episode happened during WWII?
- What were the main allies?
- How was Italy involved?
- Do you know any important protagonist of WWII?
- How did it end?
- What do you know about the consequences of WWII in the world?
- What do you know about the consequences of WWII in Italy ?
The questionnaire was completed by 465 students from I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. St. Dubois in Koszalin.
Greek Questionnare:
Replies of Questionnare (41 participants):