• Erasmus+ ILA 2020 - 1st Project partners meeting

          The first online meeting was held on 16th September via ZOOM.

          Project Team met and discussed the following important issues:

          1. LTTA organisation

          2. Students and teachers Traveling - Covid restrictions (please prepare your Countrie reports on limitations or veto)

          2. Online activities

          3. Mutual obligations

          4. Finances

          5. Any other relevant issue


          Erasmus+ ILA 2020 - 2nd Project partners meeting

          The second online meeting was held on 12th October via ZOOM.

          The following issues were discussed and decided:

          1. Rearrangement the activities within The Project Timetable

          2. Teachers and students working sessions (online)

          3. eTwining

          4. Eva Szanyiová agreed to be our eTwinning manager. 

          For the purpose of introducing the platform (although some of you are already experienced), tasks distribution and dissemination activitiesall the partners have to create an account on eTwinning.


          Erasmus+ ILA - 1st Expert Teachers Meeting

          The first online meeting of the teacher- experts was held on 12th November via ZOOM.

          A mutual Google Drive was established for Module 1, Media Literacy, P1 - Class-room prework.

          There you can be found the results and instructions for all the  activities as well as proposed deadlines.

          All the partners are authorized for editing so they can upload your results. 

          The 2nd Explanatory video was uploaded - How to create a project logo is also available on Twinspace and the google drive.




          Erasmus+ ILA - 4th Project Coordinators Meeting



          Erasmus+ ILA - 4th Project Coordinators Meeting

          PROJECT:  Integrated literacy in action

          Croatia, Slovakia and Spain


          4th online project meeting participants: Jelena Crnek, Susana Celis, Anamarija Brzica, Eva Szanyiová, Tatiana Chocholová


          Meeting started at 1:00PM  by welcoming word to the participants from Jelena Crnek, Project coordinator


          Each participant introduced the situation at their schools and countries.


          The project coordinator, Jelena Crnek, thanked the partners for creating the introduction videos about the schools, regions and countries and for the project logo proposals and for the media literacy questionnaires and their evaluation. Spain is going to finish the questionnaire during the following week.


          The project coordinator, Jelena Crnek, asked the partners to disseminate all the project activities on the school websites, magazines, local newspapers.


          Eva Szanyiová uploaded all the materials to Twinspace and this portal will work as the website of the project by allowing to see all the project content to everyone on the Internet.


          The students are going to poll on the logo they like the most, the poll is created on Twinspace in the project logo competition section. Deadline: 22.3.2021

          Each school will include 20 students who will vote.

          The best logo will be used during the project implementation.


          Tatiana Chocholová introduced the topics which will be included in the financial literacy module.

          1.Travel agency – including excahnge rates, currency

          2. Pension scheme – survey in each country.

          Slovakia is going to prepare the guidelines and explanatory video about the pre-work and outcomes of the financial literacy module. Deadline: 30.4.2021

          Ad 8.

          Next week a teacher expert online meeting will be announced and organised.


          Recorded: Eva Szanyiová


          Erasmus+ ILA - 5th Project Coordinators Meeting



          PROJECT:  Integrated literary in action

          Croatia (Zagreb), Croatia Split, Slovakia, Spain


          Online project meeting participants: Jelena Crnek, Anamarija Brzica, Eva Szanyiová, Susana Celis


          Meeting started at 12:00 am by welcoming word to the participants from Jelena Crnek, Project coordinator


          Each participant introduced the situation at their schools and countries. 


          The first LTTA in Croatia - Zagreb is planned from the 12th December until 18th December 2021.


          The participating countries agreed on accomodating the students in a hostel not in host families due to the serious pandemic situation in all the participating countries.


          According to travelling all the partners should check the best possible ways of travelling.


          The project coordinator prepared a Student profile template and a teachers profile template for the participating schools.


          Each partnering school prepared a letter of agreement with the proposed date and place of the LTTA and their willingness to take part in the First LTTA. 

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          The project coordinator, Eva Szanyiová, asked the partners to disseminate all the project activities carried out online, on the school website, school magazine or in the local newspapers.

                                                                                                      Jelena Crnek

                                                                                                           Project coordinator

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