- KA1 Aktiviy: Indikatívne ciele
- Kurzy pre učiteľov
- Krátkodobá mobilita žiakov - Malta
- Dlhodobá individuálna mobilita - Long-term indiviidual mobility
- Job shadowing
- Job shadowing - hosting Tenerife, Spain, Finland, Lithuania and Cyprus
- Job shadowing - hosting Hungary - Budapest
- Kurz angličtiny pre učiteľov - English course for teachers
Job shadowing - hosting Tenerife, Spain, Finland, Lithuania and Cyprus
Job shadowing - hosting
The mutual education of teachers is not only about sharing knowledge, but also about building a stronger pedagogical community that grows together, gets inspired and pushes the boundaries of education for future generations. From October 6-11, 2024, we hosted 8 colleagues from Cyprus, Finland, Lithuania, Spain and Tenerife. During this week, colleagues from abroad had the opportunity to see our teaching process. Our teachers presented their teaching methods and way of working and received feedback from foreign colleagues. Mutual interactions provided the teachers with the opportunity to improve their practice, build relationships and get inspiration from colleagues, which has a positive impact
on the overall quality of education. These are valuable opportunities for personal and professional growth for all of us.
Our guests visited our CLIL, Economics, History, Civics, Maths and Geography lessons as well during their Job shadowing. Thanks to Stanka Strinková,Tatiana Chocholová, Štefan Hronec, Andrea Slabá, Andrea Pločicová and Vladimír Šlosár. Hosting teachers from Cyprus, Finland, Lithuania, Spain-Andalusia and Tenerife - Job shadowing in the world of languages thanks to Eva Szanyiová - English language, Lýdia Kalinová - Italian language,Štefan Kohári - Russian language and Adriana Šalamonová- French language. Job shadowing in the world of SCIENCE- Physics and Biology lessons with our guests and our headmistress Katka Adamková and Maths and Physics teacher Marian Koreň
Job shadowing - hosting
Vzájomné vzdelávanie učiteľov nie je len o zdieľaní vedomostí, ale aj o budovaní silnejšej pedagogickej komunity, ktorá spolu rastie, inšpiruje sa a posúva hranice vzdelávania pre ďalšie generácie. Od 6. do 11. októbra 2024 sme hostili 8 kolegov z Cypru, Fínska, Litvy, Španielska a Tenerife. Počas tohto týždňa mali kolegovia zo zahraničia možnosť vidieť náš vyučovací proces. Naši učitelia prezentovali svoje vyučovacie metódy a spôsob práce a získali spätnú väzbu od zahraničných kolegov. Vzájomné interakcie poskytli učiteľom príležitosť zlepšiť svoju prax, budovať vzťahy a získať inšpiráciu od kolegov, čo má pozitívny vplyv
o celkovej kvalite vzdelávania. Sú to cenné príležitosti osobného a profesionálneho rastu pre nás všetkých.