- KA1 Aktiviy: Indikatívne ciele
- Kurzy pre učiteľov
- Krátkodobá mobilita žiakov - Malta
- Dlhodobá individuálna mobilita - Long-term indiviidual mobility
- Job shadowing
- Job shadowing - hosting Tenerife, Spain, Finland, Lithuania and Cyprus
- Job shadowing - hosting Hungary - Budapest
- Kurz angličtiny pre učiteľov - English course for teachers
- Mobility Finland - Mobilita Fínsko
- Diseminácia
- Prípravné návštevy - Preparatory visits
Krátkodobá mobilita žiakov - Malta
The last school day in Malta. In the morning we went on a school roof garden, where we took some photos and made some videos. Later on we created video in the ITC lab. We worked on computers and used new programmes. It was a great experience. We learned a lot and had great fun and time. Final evening
In the afternoon the final ceremony was held at school. The students presented their countries and schools. After their presentations we we were watching a short video of all days spent in Malta. It was amazing. In the end students and teachers got their certificates. Of course, the afterparty could not miss. Students and teachers had an amazing evening full of fun.
We have done a lot of activities today. First of all, the divers from Marine centre in Malta visited us and we explored the underwater treasures via virtual reality. Then we had pottery class where students made their own souvenires. After all, students prepared the lunch - pumpkin soup, hot dog and homemade lemonade. We spent an amazing afternoon in Valleta, the capital of Matla. We visited historical and cultural sights. The weather was beautiful so we enjoyed a quick jump into the sea as well.
Today we visited Ghajn Water Conservation Centre and Awareness Centre which educated our students about sustainable water use through interactive exhibits, workshops and hands-on activities.
Today we took part in an Active Citizenship awareness session where we were talking about the European Union, the main issues and the Green deal. We have realized that we need to deal with consequences of global warming as an union. We were talking about very intersting topics. After session we were harvesting carob and then we prepared syrup. Students learned a lot and enjoyed an unforgettable day.
First day – Visit to an eco-farm in Malta
Today we spent an amazing time in an eco-farm in Malta. We learned a lot about organic farming, sustainability and carbon footprint. Farmers explained us the effect of global warming on their crops here in Malta. Students tried local oragnic fruit, vegetables and juice.
On 20th October 2024 some of our youngest students from II.OA started their mobility in Rabat, Malta. They are going to have a rich programme focusing on sustainability and active citizenship.