- Integrated literacy in action
- The first information-organizational meeting
- Introduction of the teacher project members
- Introduction of the student project members
- Croatia X.gimnazija Ivan Supek
- Slovakia Gymnázium P.J.Šafárika
- Croatia - II. gimnazija, Split
- Presentations of the participating schools
- Project LOGO
- Online Meetings
- Explanantory videos
- Questionnaire results
- Christmas greetings
- Christmas traditions
- Media literacy - online international workshops
- Short-term exchanges of pupils in Zagreb
- Short-term exchanges of pupils in Split
- Short-term exchanges of pupils in Rožňava
- Short-term exchanges of pupils in Leon
- Short-term joint staff training events in Zagreb
- Short-term joint staff training events in Split
- Short-term joint staff training events in Rožňava
- Short-term joint staff training events in Leon
- Dissemination
- Lesson plans
- Pre-work activities
- Final outcome
Short-term exchanges of pupils in Zagreb
Blended activities
13.12.2021 Our fitrst day of BLENDED activities
Our first day of Blended activities started with a warm welcome from our project coordinator Jelena Crnek and from the headmistress Mrs. Frković Željka, X. Gymnasium “Ivan Supek”.
After the warm welcome our students participated in Warm-up activities – Getting to know each other, the students from Croatia participated physically and the Slovak and Spanish students online - virtually.
The next part of our meeting was divided into two different parts. Our students were involved in Video Games and Media Literacy workshops while the teachers were involved in a Open class 1 Integrated Curricullum workshop. At the end of the student workshop each student had an opportunity to play an online game focused on creating and spreading fake news. After the game they had to create questions and then they analyzed the games. At the end of the workshops, the students had to evaluate the workshops.
In the evening the Croatian students visited Zagreb and the Slovak and Spanish students had the tour virtually.
Today we looked into the topic of advertisements. At first, we discussed what they are and how they affect us. We learned that ads are mainly used to promote certain products or even ideas. Then we compared the difference of when a famous person wears a branded product and when an ordinary person wears it. That lead to conclusion that it can only be an advertisement when a famous person wears it, because they have a bigger impact plus they also get paid by the company. Lastly, we learnt the bases of design in ads. How the colour, theme, music or little bit of humour can make the ad more remarkable. And we even had the opportunity to create our own advertisement for our school! - Nati Thernová (1.B), Slovakia
So today on our 2nd day of worshops, we discussed advertising. What and how to do comercials, advertisement, how it is supposed to look like what to do and qhat to not do. We talked about colors and their meaning, different fonts of letters and what impact does it have on people's emotions, reactions and feelings. Showed us how to use slogans and how are they supposed to look like. They also told us about different types of advertisements and commercials. And I think that it was really interesting topic to discuss and also a very useful one, we never know where we will end up and maybe some of us will need this in our future. - Laura Uhrinová (3.B), Slovakia
Today we had a workshop about the film. We had a unique opportunity to learn what does it takes to make a movie work. In the process of creating movies, not a thing is being left on a coincidence. Every camera angle, camera movement has its own meaning and reason why it has been done that way. In order to make a great movie, you have to be aware of shot types, camera angles, camera movements, and sound. We’ve watched two short movies one documentary and the other fiction. For having a deeper understanding we had analyzed them. At the end of the day, we had a Kahoot where we could test our knowledge which has improved quite a lot compared to the one we had at the beginning of the workshop. We are grateful for the given opportunity to broaden our horizons also in other directions such as film making. There was as every day a teacher meeting as well.
Thursday was a special trip workshop day. While the Croatian students from Zagreb and Split were travelling to Samobor. The Slovak students and the Spanish students were working with Media literacy workshops and they participated in a media literacy competition. When the Croatian students and teachers arrived in Samobor we started our virtual tour and we started to have our virtual workshops. First of all we visited the craft factory Medičarna where we were amazed by the skillfulness of the craftswomen who made handmade Christmas gingerbread. Then we visitied Samobor and we had a tour guide in the Christmassy town.
We enjoyed Friday very much, even though we were in front of our computer screens. The teacher experts prepared one of their acitivities which had been created during this week and we piloted these activities. We introduced our outcomes from these activities. The icing on the cake was the end of the day when they showed us a beautiful performance of students. It started with the school choir, which we didn't expect to sing at such a professional level. It was phenomenal. The students also presented themselves through various musical instruments such as cello. The Croatian students made our Friday night more pleasant and created for all of us a Christmas atmosphere. Our blended activities ended with a farewell.
Blended activities outcomes
Posters with slogans
Prvý Erasmus+ LTTA Module 1 - Mediálna gramotnosť - Zmiešané aktivity
konal sa na
X. Gymnasium „Ivan Supek“
Ulica Vjekoslava Klaića 7, Zagreb, Chorvátsko
Slovenskí a španielski žiaci sa zúčastnili tohto meeting cez ZOOM
(Meeting ID: 372 679 3692, Passcode: 8XyX4D)
Slovenskí a španielski učitelia sa zúčastnili tohto meeting cez ZOOM
Náš prvý deň zmiešaných aktivít sa začal srdečným privítaním od našej projektovej koordinátorky Jeleny Crnekovej a od riaditeľky pani Frković Željky, X. Gymnázium „Ivan Supek“.
Po milom privítaní sa naši študenti zapojili do warm-up aktivít – spoznávania, študenti z Chorvátska sa zapojili fyzicky a slovenskí a španielski študenti online – virtuálne.
Ďalšia časť nášho stretnutia bola rozdelená na dve rôzne časti. Naši študenti boli zapojení do workshopov Videohry a Mediálna gramotnosť, zatiaľ čo učitelia boli zapojení do workshopu Open class 1 Integrated Curriculum. Na záver študentského workshopu mal každý študent možnosť zahrať si online hru zameranú na vytváranie a šírenie falošných správ. Po hre mali vytvoriť otázky a následne hry analyzovať. Na konci workshopov mali študenti workshopy vyhodnotiť. Vo večerných hodinách navštívili chorvátski študenti Záhreb a slovenskí a španielski študenti absolvovali virtuálnu prehliadku.
14.12.2021 sme sa pozreli na tému reklamy. Najprv sme diskutovali o tom, čo sú a ako nás ovplyvňujú. Dozvedeli sme sa, že reklamy sa používajú najmä na propagáciu určitých produktov alebo dokonca nápadov. Potom sme porovnali rozdiel, kedy nosí značkový produkt známy človek a kedy ho nosí bežný človek. To vedie k záveru, že to môže byť reklama len vtedy, keď ju nosí známa osobnosť, pretože majú väčší vplyv a navyše sú od spoločnosti platení. Nakoniec sme sa naučili základy dizajnu v reklamách. Ako farba, téma, hudba alebo trocha humoru môžu urobiť reklamu pozoruhodnejšou. A dokonca sme mali možnosť vytvoriť vlastnú reklamu pre našu školu! - Nati Thernová (1.B), Slovensko
Takže dnes, v druhý deň workshopov, sme diskutovali o reklame. Čo a ako robiť reklamu ako to má vyzerať, čo robiť a čo nerobiť. Rozprávali sme sa o farbách a ich význame, rôznych typoch písma a o tom, aký to má vplyv na emócie, reakcie a pocity ľudí. Prednášajúci nám ukázal ako používať slogany a ako by mali vyzerať. Povedali nám aj o rôznych typoch reklám a reklám. A myslím si, že to bola naozaj zaujímavá téma na diskusiu a tiež veľmi užitočná, nikdy nevieme, kam sa dostaneme a možno to niektorí z nás budú v budúcnosti potrebovať. - Laura Uhrinová (3.B), SR
15.12.2021 sme mali workshop o filme. Mali sme jedinečnú príležitosť dozvedieť sa, čo je potrebné na to, aby film fungoval. V procese tvorby filmov nie je nič ponechané na náhodu. Každý uhol kamery, pohyb kamery má svoj vlastný význam a dôvod, prečo to tak bolo. Ak chcete vytvoriť skvelý film, musíte poznať typy záberov, uhly kamery, pohyby kamery a zvuk. Pozreli sme si dva krátke filmy, jeden dokumentárny a druhý hraný. Pre hlbšie pochopenie sme ich analyzovali. Na konci dňa sme mali Kahoot, kde sme si mohli otestovať svoje vedomosti, ktoré sa v porovnaní s tými, ktoré sme mali na začiatku workshopu, značne zlepšili. Sme vďační za príležitosť rozšíriť si obzory aj v iných smeroch, ako je napríklad filmová tvorba. Ako každý deň sa konalo aj stretnutie učiteľov.
Vo štvrtok bol špeciálny výletný workshop. Kým chorvátski študenti zo Záhrebu a Splitu cestovali do Samoboru. Slovenskí študenti a španielski študenti pracovali na workshopoch mediálnej gramotnosti a zúčastnili sa súťaže mediálnej gramotnosti. Keď chorvátski študenti a učitelia dorazili do Samoboru, spustili sme virtuálnu prehliadku a začali sme mať naše virtuálne workshopy. Najprv sme navštívili remeselnú továreň Medičarna, kde nás ohromila zručnosť remeselníkov, ktorí ručne vyrábali vianočné perníky. Potom sme navštívili Samobor a mali sme sprievodcu vo vianočnom mestečku.